About 151 Adams Street
THIS LOT INCLUDES 3 MORE LOTS total ~ 1.35 ACRES; TOTAL 4 LOTS, WELL OVER AN ACRE...This FIRST lot FOR SALE on 151 Adams alone is ~.88 acre ALONE, PLUS THE 3 ADDITIONAL LOTS-Please check the map. THE 4 LOTS located FOR SALE- ALL on block 99.31 AND INCLUDE: 151 Adams (lot 8.01); the sale also includes 851 hwy 529 (lot 8); 1723 Hegstrom Ave (lot 16) and 1701 Hegstrom Ave (lot 17) ; ALL LOTS ARE CONNECTED comprising your own end of an entire street, with 3 streets bordering the total lots. Seller declares a cess pool or septic exists & well, but water/sewer may be run from down the street, please call water co. This is Whiting, ROOSEVELT CITY. This is a perfect COLLECTION OF LOTS. Please perform due diligence, and join the building in Manchester/Whiting, creating your DREAM HOM